Monday, November 30, 2015


Black Friday.  Cyber Monday.   These terms from the modern lexicon  involve dates of a different kind from the traditional Advent Calendar.  I am not a Christmas purist, but there is something weird about counting down to Christmas based on shopping opportunities rather than spiritual opportunities!   

When you consider that the gorgeous and theologically deep nativity stories of Luke and Matthew sparked this whole Christmas marketing thing, it’s actually more than weird; it may even be ironic.  How did this begin?

Terry Pratchett, master of irony, speaks of beginnings in his hilarious Christmas novel Hogfather:  

Everything begins somewhere, although many physicists disagree.  (p. 11)

 Beginnings.  The Bible highlights them.

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth…the Spirit of God moved across the deep….  (Gen. 1:1)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God….  (John 1:1)

For Christians, God is beginning  (again) in Jesus.   

Jesus, the new Adam, the herald of a new creation, the one understood to be the beginning of a transfigured earth….(The First Christmas, Borg and Crossan, p. 94)  

Jesus, the Beginning of a transfigured earth.   

One person at a time.

Saturday, November 28, 2015



Here we are:  Blogging Day Number One. 

I wondered what would actually happen when it was time to start writing.  Because it’s not like a sermon; if you’re bored stiff by the preacher in church, few of us would actually walk out. Yet online, just one flick of the finger and I’m gone. 

So, before you do anything hasty, may I offer this Calendar of Advent Reflections as my gift to you for the holiday season? 

I realize a traditional advent calendar, with chocolate behind every window, may seem more appealing. But chocolate quickly becomes only a memory—a lingering sweetness on the lips--and all too soon a bit of cellulite upon the hips.

Words, though; words matter. Words, and the ideas they represent, linger much longer, in ways that are more life-changing than chocolate's fleeting delight.

We know too well how hurtful words can harm us.  They stress our bodies, raising blood pressure and spiking our responses into high alert.  They remain clenched into muscle and bone and mind long after they are spoken. 

But good words linger too — life-giving words, healing words, uplifting words--sweetly singing their messages into our psyches and bodies.

Then Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” 

This Advent let us share the wonder of the Spirit Words which are a perfect gift at this season or any other

Words that create us.  
Words that speak of new ideas and fresh stories and ancient love.  

Like a song from old times, 
like a medieval image painted on gold leaf, 
like the memory of childhood days, 
the sound of the wonderful word of the soul has grown foreign to us….

The little word “soul” sounds just so wonderful and strange
in the confusion and shouting of voices that extol it; 
the language is so soft and still 
that we hardly hear it anymore over the raging 
and roaring going on within us.   
But the word speaks a language 
that is full of the greatest responsibility and deepest seriousness.... 

It is the life that God has given us….
It is love in us and longing and holy restlessness 
and responsibility and happiness and pain; 

it is divine breath breathed into mortal being.

~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Wonder of Wonders pp. 18 and 19

In the days to come we will travel together through the unpredictable wonders and the serious magic that is Advent: the Advent of our souls, celebrated in and through the Advent of Jesus Christ. 

Well come, m’anamchairde.  (my soul friends) 


Want some more on words?  Here is Word Number One for Advent, from the Society of St. John the Evangelist:  WAKE UP.  (Click here for more information.)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015



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